Manupatra SMS Alerts

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Email Id:*
Name of Organization:
Primary Mobile Number1:* +91
Mobile Number 2:
Mobile Number 3:
Mobile Number 4:
Mobile Number 5:
Manupatra Subscriber:

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  • What is Manupatra SMS Alerts?
    Manupatra's SMS Alerts is a mobile phone service. By using Manupatra SMS Alerts, you can receive an alert through SMS on your mobile. These alerts are pertaining to very important legal and policy news.

  • Who can use Manupatra SMS Alerts?
    Any Manupatra SMS user having pre-paid or post-paid connection of compatible mobile service providers in India can use Manupatra SMS Alerts.

  • What are the charges for getting SMS Mail alerts?
    Please check with your mobile service provider on charges for receiving the SMS. Currently this service is complimentary for subscribers of manupatra products. Each subscriber of manupatra can register up to 5 mobile numbers. Manupatra has a right to levy a nominal annual charge for any number that exceeds 5 mobile numbers and levy a charge on non subscribers of manupatra products.

  • I want to receive mail alerts on a different mobile number. How can I change the mobile number?
    You have to opt out of the service using the Unsubscribe option and opt in again.

  • How do I unsubscribe from this service?
    To stop receiving SMS alerts, login to with your primary mobile number and then put your mobile number and click on the “Unsubscribe” button.

    It will take up to 48 hours before SMS alerts stop coming on your mobile phone.

  • Who are the compatible operators?
    Currently the compatible operators are: IDEA, Airtel and BPL. These service providers have a connection with other service providers , thus giving an All India coverage.

  • When will I start to get the Alerts?
    Once you have registered your mobile number, you will start to receive the Alert within 24 hours of your registration.

  • What will be the subscription period?
    Subscription period for Manupatra product subscribers (Online, CD, Print Journals) will be same as the Manupatra product subscription period and for non subscribers, it will be 1 year from the date of subscription.

  • Terms & Conditions     Disclaimer     Charges

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